What is "Shakti"?

The word "Shakti" is a Sanskrit word that means power - it is the feminine creative energy that flows through the entire universe. It manifests as transformation, ecstasy, desire, pleasure, intuition, and creativity. Shakti can be awakened through movement, intentional action, and mindfulness. Although Shakti is associated with the feminine, Shakti energy exists in balance in everyone.


What is a Mala?

Malas were first created in India 3000 years ago (with roots in Hinduism & Buddhism) and were used for Japa meditation, which means “to recite”. The term ‘mala’ is a Sanskrit word for “garland.” Mala necklaces were originally given to students by their guru (teacher) and blessed with a mantra (chant). The mala was to be worn by the student and used to meditate using the mantra. It was believed that when the mala broke, then the lesson had been integrated and the mantra was released from the mala. In modern day, malas are worn for fashion as well as for meditation.


Anatomy of a Mala

Malas can be made with gemstone beads, seeds from the sacred bodhi tree called rudruksha, wood beads, shells, pearls, etc. Malas traditionally have 108 beads, with a 109th bead at the center called a Guru Bead. The number 108 is a sacred number and is significant for many reasons. The Guru Bead pays homage to the student-guru relationship. The tassel symbolizes union of self with the divine, and our connection to each other. The counter beads serve to remind you to be present when you are meditating.


How to Meditate with your Mala

To use your mala in your meditation practice, hold it between your middle finger and thumb, then pull the beads towards you using your thumb while you count or recite your mantra. It is believed that the index finger represents the "atman" or the ego, so avoid using your index finger. Once you have reached the guru bead, you may stop your meditation or turn the mala around and go back the other way (do not "overstep" your guru!) A good mantra to start with is "so hum" which means "I am that." Choose a word that resonates with you or something you want to bring more of into your life, and imagine this becoming reality as you chant.


Do crystals have healing benefits?

Gemstones and crystals have been worn for centuries for their physical and energetic benefits. Each Shakti Bling mala bracelet or necklace is made with genuine gemstone beads that are believed to carry unique healing properties. (Please note that healing crystals are not recognized in the medical community to cure, treat, or prevent known medical conditions.)


A Brief History of Crystal Healing

The use of healing crystals dates back to the ancient Sumerians, who used them in their magic formulas and alchemy. The Ancient Egyptians used lapis lazuli, turquoise, carnelian, emerald, and clear quartz in their jewelry. Stones were used for health, connecting with spirits, protection, and were also ground up and used cosmetically. The word "crystal" comes from the Greek word for ice. Quartz was fabled to be ice that had been so deeply frozen that it would never melt. They believed that hematite (from the Greek word for blood) would make their warriors invulnerable, so they rubbed it on their bodies before battle. Amethyst was rumored to prevent drunkenness and was used as an amulet to protect against intoxication and hangovers. Jade was treasured in ancient China for its ability to bring good luck and protection to the wearer.